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Nima Gyeltshen

THE FIFTH Dharma KING OF BHUTAN by Sangay Tenzin

The Fifth Dharma King of Bhutan His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck Is One Leader On this planet, Who Even Intake Individual (Citizen) Problems To His Heart, Despite his Ferocious Commitment to Services Towards His Country & People, especially the Commoners. We referred to such actions as Tonglen in Buddhist terminology. The practice of Tonglen includes in-taking the suffering of others while beaming out the radiance of great solace and relief for those sufferers. His Majesty is constantly thought-provoking and searching for ways to annihilate the root cause of the suffering for HIS people living in the arena of poverty alleviation and heart-wrenching livelihood be it individual or massive. Normally, any renowned leaders living around this world would show apathy to worry about individual problems. Bhutan has the phenomenal & God - The Fifth Dharma KING. As One Man Army, His Majesty is putting relentless effort and pondering voraciously to insinuate highly spirited, capable people in our system that will bestow immense benefits for HIS People and bring rapid transformation in our economic superstructure. His MAJESTY IS THE RIGHT LEADER BESTOWED FOR BHUTAN FROM ABOVE DURING THE TRANSITIONAL PERIOD. This MANKIND WORLD WILL TAKE A NEW COURSE & HURDLE INTO A DIFFERENT ROTATION HEREAFTER. "IF THE EARTH WAS SPINNING IN AN ANTI-CLOCKWISE DIRECTION SO FAR, IT'S THE DUTY OF US TO CORRECT THE ROTATION INTO A CLOCKWISE DIRECTION HEREAFTER UNDER GREAT UNISON". To My Eyes, His Majesty Is The Mighty Humanitarian Divine Being. And may the heart-wrenching livelihood situation of Mrs. Karma Dechen & her family members change forever under the blessing of Their Majesties.

Long Live Our Beloved MAJESTY!

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